Coach tips

A great autumn 2023 for #sherowers events
Autumn 2023 will be remembered for the numerous events of the Sherows project, let's start with the bronze medal at the beach spring world championships in Barletta of our young Sherower: Viola Patrignani, then a series of events of our Irish partners:
The & biscuits drill
Stand up off the Seat Drill = the idea of the drill is to get the rowers to suspend as much weight on the footplates at front stops as they can and they then try to quickly stand up. The measure of success is if they can suspend themselves off the seat from catch to finish. That means that they have a full connection with the boat and the water for the entire stroke.
How should the catch feel
Another Drill, How should the catch feel? Sit at the backstops and place the blades square in the water. (This is easier in a crew boat than a single.) Back the boat down by pushing your hands away from you through the water. Push firmly till they are over your knees and the boat has started moving. As your hands go over your knees and the boat has started moving you may need to push up on the handle(s) to keep the blade(s) in the water. Once the boat is moving relax and follow the handles forward to the catch position. (Let the handle(s) draw you forward.) Feel how easily you stretch forward, nad how easily the handle(s) glide with the movement of the boat. Feel how the pressure comes onto your feet as you get closer to the catch position. Keep your blade(s) in the water as you move through to the catch and take a stroke. Feel how smooth the transition between gliding forward and pushing back is. Feel how the blades are locked against the water as you change direction. (video below…
Summer training sessions for novice /recreational rowers
Each session starts with standard 10 minutes land warm-up (usual stretching exercises) +
Spring training sessions for novice /recreational rowers
Each session starts with standard 10 minutes land warm-up (usual stretching exercises) +
Coastal Rowing Endurance Training - May
Level: Intermediate
Sondaggio del progetto SheRows
Ti chiediamo pochi minuti del tuo tempo per completare questo questionario, in Europa la parità di genere non è egualmente riconosciuta ed in molti paesi le donne non hanno le stesse possibilità che hanno gli uomini, sia in termini di tempo che di supporto per dedicarsi un po' a se stesse ed alla pratica sportiva. Prenditi un po' di tempo per raccontarci la tua esperienza. il questionario è completamente anonimo. Grazie!
SheRows Survey eng
This survey is anonymous and survey details will be used for research purposes only. However, if you wish to be contacted to get involved with SheRows project, please enter your details at the very end of this survey. Many thanks in advance for completing this survey.
Posted on 12/20/2023
Interview with Goksu Aslan, everywhere i row is my home
Posted on 12/19/2023
stretching session with Annalisa Xmas edition - 18th December
Posted on 11/13/2023
Mature women or middle aged women
Posted on 11/13/2023
Core training