Sherows, a year of successes and many initiatives, let’s do the math

Written on 11/09/2023

During the life of the project we proposed a questionnaire to many women who revolve around our realities, we collected around 70 responses and the results surprise us a little.
The female world is sensitive to topics on health and physical fitness, but there is still a great percentage of women who consider physical exercise as an end in itself not important.

The three main factors that block access to sport are: lack of free time, financial problems and transport/safety, even in this case the issue of: this is okay (the physical effort of managing the house family runs out of energy), reject the stereotype of the sporty woman, too aggressive for part of our target group.

What would change the minds of our friends who are undecided about whether to approach sports, the majority of the sample says: meeting capable people and meeting capable coaches, the figure of the coach and theirs charisma are a driving factor in bringing together athletes, in the background, have more time, which we find in the first questionnaire and the third, friends. Sport is seen in a social way, it is a moment of carefreeness that does not ignore the sense of belonging.

The response that shows the desire for tailor-made sporting activity is interesting: almost 8% of our target says they would prefer tailor-made training, a share that adds to the first group that spoke of good coaches, but with an eye on physicality of the individual.
Finally, sport does not ignore fun, a good share of women would approach a new sport especially for different people.

Among those who practice sports, only 1.4% are satisfied with their fitness, the majority would like to be able to do more. Let’s remember that we are talking about a target of adult women, many of whom have work and families and a good 6% believe they have a very low level.

When asked do you know what the weekly exercise recommendation is for your age, only 36% admit they know.

Physical activity recommendations for adults (18-64 years old) as described by health-related organisations for substantial health benefits, adults should do at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) to 300 minutes (5 hours) a week of moderate-intensity, or 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes) to 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic activity. Preferably, aerobic activity should be spread throughout the week.